Selection & Integration
Hiring decisions are often made with a complex web of information. The candidate’s prior achievements, competence, and technical knowledge all need to be assessed, while reference checks often add to the complexity without always adding value.
A robust selection process should streamline the way of determining the individual’s fit for the role, team and culture. The process should also provide helpful information on how personal attributes help or hinder success once in the role, the team and organization.
Using the Facet5 Audition behavioral profiling module will help determine the necessary attributes for success, from the outset, allowing the organization to both attract and select the ideal candidate. Then, once the shortlist is determined, a Facet5 personality profile will provide data on ‘the fit’ for the role.
Not only will Facet5 support a good selection process, but it will also provide information that helps support the new hire and the line manager in the first, often-challenging, three months in the role. The new hire will know how their behaviors are likely to fit with the role, the team and the culture and the line manager will be able to engage them meaningfully and effectively from day one.
Collaboration & Teamwork
People rarely work in isolation. Work requires engagement with other people: colleagues, stakeholders and customers in order to deliver successful outcomes. Yet so often the behaviors of others can be puzzling or frustrating.
Individuals need to understand their own behavior style – and how this might impact others – and then the behavior of those with whom they work. Knowing how to leverage different behavior styles, for delivering complex work projects, resolving conflict, engaging stakeholders and managing stress helps to deliver outcomes more effectively.
Facet5 personality profiles can be used at an individual level and can then be combined powerfully, for collaboration and developing team effectiveness. This can be especially helpful in facilitating line manager/direct report relationships.
Developing Leaders
Why do some people make outstanding leaders? And why do some leaders struggle to win “hearts and minds?” How do organizations recognize, develop and coach the leadership talent they have?
Leadership development begins at all levels of the organization and at different career points. First-time leaders, as well as Executive level leaders, need to continually manage their development in order to ‘be all they can be’: to manage resources and people, as well as to create a vision for the future and have others accept and support that vision.
Facet5 describes, explains and predicts behavior, both strengths and challenges and is the key to coaching and developing leaders at all levels. The Strategic Leadership Review (SLR) 360-degree survey provides real-time behavioral feedback for those already on, or about to begin their leadership journey, either individually or as part of a Leadership Development program.
Identifying & Segmenting Talents
More than 15 years ago McKinsey’s War for Talent focused the need to understand, identify and nurture talent. The ‘war’ shows no signs of abating, with short candidate pools and competition for talent at all levels and in all sectors.
How do organizations grapple with such a complex reality? To understand the ‘what’ and the ’where‘ of talent, organizations need to identify ‘what someone has previously done’ as well as ‘what someone might be able to do in the future.’
Facet5 helps organizations understand what characteristics a person has, and identifies those characteristics that are likely to be shown consistently over time. This information can be used as an integral part of a talent segmentation process, coupled with other processes such as line manager assessment and career event interviews.
Managing Culture & Change
Organizations sometimes struggle to articulate their culture and describe it in helpful ways. ‘Culture’ and ‘change’ are words that are used frequently and can mean many things. Little wonder then that ‘cultural change’ is an idea that is often poorly defined. Defining the ‘current state’ and the ‘ideal state’ as well as identifying individual responses to engaging with a new culture can help support organizations during change.
Facet5 Backdrop surveys culture: both ‘now’ and ‘ideal’ and then identifies 4 key responses to change: Change Agent, Transformer, Non-Aligned and Anchor. The combined outputs show who might best lead change, who might best see the problems associated with it and who may struggle during times of cultural transition. Action planning can then be undertaken to ensure optimum success during the change process.
Separation & Exit
Organizations often invest a great deal in identifying and nurturing talent, abandoning those strategies when an employee signals an intention to leave. The result can be a disgruntled and disengaged employee, who can then create an unfavorable impression of that organization in the marketplace.
However, contemporary talent management suggests that an organization may hire someone more than once in their career. Ideally, employees should leave an organization advertising its benefits and opportunities in the market place to attract other talents to it.
What better way to ensure a positive exit than engaging someone with the right behavioral information they can use on the next leg of their career pathway?